Tennessee Volunteers Athletic Director Danny White strongly criticized the NCAA on Thursday regarding its ongoing investigation into the university. The inquiry is focused on alleged violations related to name, image, and likeness (NIL), specifically concerning the activities of the Spyre Sports Group, Tennessee’s primary NIL collective, with a primary focus on the football program.

Since the initiation of the NCAA investigation, the Volunteers have consistently denied any wrongdoing, actively contesting the regulatory organization’s actions. In his statement, White expressed his discontent with the NCAA, asserting that their staff lacks an understanding of the NIL landscape at the campus level nationwide.

White pointed out that despite scrutinizing thousands of phone records belonging to Tennessee coaches and personnel, the NCAA investigators failed to identify a single NIL violation. He accused the NCAA of adjusting their criteria to fit a predetermined outcome, emphasizing the vague and contradictory nature of NIL guidelines authored by the NCAA, not the membership. White argued against the application of outdated booster bylaws to NIL collectives, asserting that if this were the case, the majority of major college athletics programs would be deemed to have significant violations.

He urged a shift in focus towards finding solutions for better organizing college athletics in the NIL era, asserting that NCAA leadership failed to address this in 2021. White emphasized that student-athletes, prospective student-athletes, coaches, and administrators nationwide deserve better, expressing his refusal to allow the NCAA to use Tennessee as an example for their own agendas.

White’s statement follows Chancellor Donde Plowman’s public letter to the NCAA, expressing dissatisfaction with the investigation. In response to the NCAA’s inquiry, the state of Tennessee filed an antitrust lawsuit against the NCAA, alleging a violation of antitrust laws by restricting athletes from earning full compensation for their names, images, and likenesses.

The NCAA responded to the lawsuit with a critical statement, describing it as exacerbating the perceived ‘wild west’ atmosphere within college athletics. The situation indicates a potential legal battle, with neither Tennessee nor the NCAA showing signs of backing down from a confrontational stance.

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