Leeds players have expressed regret for neglecting young fans who were hoping to greet them at their hotel, as captured in a video that circulated on social media. In the footage, the team walked past fans without acknowledging them, with many players wearing headphones and avoiding eye contact. The players later issued an apology on the club’s website, acknowledging the poor performance in the recent game and expressing sorrow for the lack of attention shown to a young fan in the video. The statement emphasized their usual practice of interacting with fans during pre and post-match activities.

The incident drew widespread criticism online, with former Leeds player Paddy Kenny describing the team as ’embarrassing’ and others, including Simon Jordan and Piers Morgan, expressing disappointment in the players’

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behavior. Leeds suffered a 4-1 defeat against Bournemouth in the game, adding to a series of poor results. The video surfaced just two weeks after Arsenal players faced similar criticism for their lack of engagement with a club mascot.

In the Arsenal incident, players were seen signing a shirt for a young supporter, but the lack of interaction sparked negative reactions on social media. Leeds’ recent behavior adds to a growing trend of players facing backlash for perceived indifference towards fans. The club is currently facing the threat of relegation from the Premier League, further intensifying concerns among the fan base.

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