Seider’s ranking by the NHL Network attempts to answer a question that has

NHL observers split. To some who weigh the statistics, his 45% Corsi and 42.7% expected goals percentages leave more to

be desired. Judging on pure results, Seider isn’t quite one of the best, even if he is quite good.

To others, the context of Seider’s unrivaled usage makes him underrated. No one faces more minutes against elite

matchups last season even if his results weren’t chart-topping, and the lack of an elite supporting cast drags him down.

Stylistically, he plays in a physical manner that doesn’t always get the most love.

Which side is right about Seider? The real answer probably lies somewhere in

the middle. This makes it difficult to assess his value, exemplified by his yet-to-be-resolved restricted free agency

negotiations. It’s no stretch of the imagination to think that Seider could be even better as he continues to grow and

develop. Putting a price tag on his production both now and in the future requires some serious contemplation.