ATHENS, Ga. — Kirby Smart may enjoy the College Football Playoff, but it’s safe
to say he isn’t a fan of the College Football Playoff committee. On two separate occasions after Saturday’s
crucial 31-17 victory over Tennessee, Smart took a moment to castigate the committee’s decisionmaking and question its football acumen.
“I don’t know what they’re looking for. I really don’t,†said Smart, whose team was ranked 12th but effectively locked
out of the playoffs after last week’s loss to Ole Miss. “I wish they could really define the criteria. I wish they could do the eyeball test where they come down
here and look at the people we’re playing against and look at them.You can’t see that stuff on a TV.â€
What the committee would have seen had they been at Sanford Stadium—and what 93,033 in the stands saw live—was
a Georgia team that’s capable of healing itself on the fly, both in the middle of the
season and in the middle of a game. If Wolverine wasn’t already aligned with another university, the Dawgs could claim him as an avatar.