In an emotional and unexpected turn of events, Patrick Bamford has announced his retirement...
The quarterback, who transferred from Duke, went up against his former head coach with...
Nice delivered a stunning 4-1 victory over Angers in an impressive display of football...
season after allowing 55 points on its home field, Ashbrook scores a measure of...
In simple terms, Reid wanted to say ‘My wideout’s going to complement my signal-caller...
Western Carolina women’s soccer rode a quick start, rocketing out to a 1-0 advantage...
Omarion Hampton is a man of few words. But on the field, he’s anything...
Notre Dame’s 23-13 win at Texas A&M didn’t come easily but was certainly rewarding....
Penn State quarterback Drew Allar is known for his big arm, but it was...
worried about today, not about anything else,” Edwards told Fox News Digital in a...